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Having an Accident Insurance is not an unnecessary luxury. Because as you know, accidents can happen in the blink of an eye and everyone runs risks every day. With this  insurance you limit the personal and financial consequences of an accident. We will pay you or your surviving relatives a fixed amount if you become permanently disabled, pass away or become temporarily unfit for work. Assuria also offers the possibility to insure the medical costs due to an accident or an additional coverage for athletes.


  • You determine your own coverage.
  • The possibility of increased benefits in the event of permanent disability. You determine the deductible in the event of temporary disability.

Please contact one of our experts.

Surinamese Accident Scheme (S.O.R.)

As a private individual, you are not obligated to take out insurance for your gardener and other domestic personnel. However, when you act as a contracting party, you are responsible for taking out an insurance.

Personal Accidents Insurance

Coverage of the consequences of personal accidents.

Sport Accidents Insurance

For accidents that occur when engaging in sports activities.